The Republican Theatre for Children and Youth was founded by the notable Ion Sandri Şcurea, on August 1st, 1989. He founded the theatre by basing it on his completed academical course – Music Comedic Department of the State Conservatory “G. Musicescu” from Chişinău.
The opening performance was the musical piece “Liola” by L. Pirandello, directed by I.S. Şcurea and composed by Liviu Ştirbu.
Starting with April 16th, 1990, the head of the theatre became Tudor Ţărnă. During the same period, the set painter Petru Bălan was employed.
In May 1990, the theatre premiers with two new plays: “Chiriţa în provincie” based on the play of the same name by V. Alecsandri and ““The girl with gifts” by H.C. Andersen. In both of them, the music was composed by V. Dînga, the set design was made by
P. Bălan and they were directed by S.I. Şcurea.
Starting October 1st, 1990, Veaceslav Madan was appointed as the new artistic director. Until June 1st, 1995, he staged several musical performances: The Rock Opera “Mioriţa” (1991), libretto I. Filip and V. Madan, composer L. Ştirbu, choreography O. Rusu, singing teacher I. Ştirbu; the musical show “The mother-in-law with three daughters”, author V. Madan, composer L. Ştirbu; “The abduction of the beautiful Sabines”; the musical show for children “Cinderella” by Ch. Perrault; “The rats” by Turrini; “Bomba”; “Show at Ginta Latina”.
In 1996, the theatre's artistic director was named Vitalie Rusu, who staged two shows: a New Year’s Eve musical performance called “Baba Hârca at New Year’s Eve” by I. Gheorghiţă and "Ciubăr Vodă" by Laurentiu Pfaifer - a show that was appreciated at the UNITEM Gala with a prize for direction and a prize for the best actor - Ion Arachelu.
In April 1997, the artistic director of the theatre was again named S.I. Şcurea who started directing a play named “The descendants of Dacia and Rome”. Unfortunately, a serious illness stopped him from carrying on with his work.
Starting with 1999, several actors from the Academy of Arts decided to stage the plays: "The Ballad of the Lily" by Octavian Grigoriu; "All the Evil from Women" directed by Victor Ignat; and "The Hoodwinked Emperor" by G. Calamanciuc, directed by V. Cazanoi.
In 2001, the head director of The Revue Theatre “Ginta Latină” became Petru Hadârcă, who staged the performance "A Stormy Night" and the revue show "Scented Temptations" - both based on the works of the great I.L. Caragiale. The show "Scented Temptations" is awarded with the Grand Prize at the "Nenea Iancu" Festival.
In 2003, Anatol Burlacu was appointed as the head director of the theatre and produced the revue show "Cherchez la femme" inspired by the story "Ivan Turbincă" by Ion Creangă, stage adaptation T. Ţărnă, composer L. Ştirbu, choreography V. Bucun.
During the same period, two other performances were made: the children's musical show "An ABC bizarre" by George Ţărnea, directed by V. Ignat, composer A. Dicusar, choreography V. Bucun; and the show "Stephan the Great Garden" by T. Ţărnă, directed by T. Ţărnă, choreography V. Bucun, composer L. Ştirbu.
In 2005, S.S. Fusu became the head director of the theatre. He staged "Stories from Bradu Strâmb" based on Mihail Sadoveanu's hunting and fishing stories and the revue show "Generation G L" by T. Ţărnă.
In 2006, the stage direction was taken over by T. Ţărnă, Master of Arts. Moreover, in 2006, the young director Vitalie Jacotă staged the musical show dedicated to the winter holidays "Winter Story", written by T. Ţărnă. The theatre also produced the following performances: "The Fall of the Gods" based on Moliere's play "Amphytrion"; "In between Bâc and Mississippi", "Carambol", "The Last Tram" by T. Ţărnă, directed by T. Șărnă, composer L. Știrbu and the play "The Florentine Hat" directed by Alexandru Cozub. These performances were choreographed by Victoria Bucun and had as a scenographer Adrian Suruceanu.
In 2011, the theatre started its collaboration with Mihai Țărnă, who directed a few of the theatre’s best shows: "Boeing, Boeing" by Marc Camoletti; "My darling Mrs. Kronky" by John Patrick; "12 Whispers on the 12th Night" based on W. Shakespeare’s “12th Night”, "Notenkraker or the 5th season" after Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann.
Starting with April 2017, Mihai Țărnă was named the head director of the theatre, and in February 2018, he changed the name of the theatre into “Teatrul Fără Nume”.
The head director, Mihai Țărnă, is the one that came with the idea to rename the theatre. Through this drastic change, the theatre gave itself a chance for an innovative artistic life and a new way of communicating with its audience.
Dear human, remember this - Once you enter the theatre, you abandon your name and have only two hours to be a human without a name. Even become someone else. We simply choose to be. We don't go into the record, we go into the memory.
From September 2020, the director of CCA Ginta Latină was appointed Nicu Ţărnă.
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