"Boeing Boeing" written by Marc Camoletti, is a comedy that charmed the public and entered the Book of Records as the most played French comedy of all time.
Bernard is a successful architect who has three fiancées, all of them being flight attendants of different nationalities. Each one of the women thinks that she is the chosen one, but it is not really so... The play is an amusing story, full of unexpected coincidences, in which the viewer lives at full intensity a day in Bernard’s crazy life. His little paradise works perfectly well - he just has to manage the flight calendar and benefit from Berta’s help, his faithful housekeeper.
The unexpected visit of Bernard’s old friend, Robert, and the transfer of the young flight attendants to a new Boeing plane, messes up with the flight schedules and leads the protagonists into a chaos, full of coincidences.
Bernard | Nicu Ţărnă |
Berta | Galina Lazarenco |
Robert | Valentin Munteanu |
Jacqueline | Mihaela Popescu/Rada Mișcoi |
Judith | Larisa Dascăl |
Janet | Victoria Ţurcanu |
Other characters | Vitalie Jacotă, Anatol Burlacu, Cătălina Cazacu, Nicoleta Zghibarţă, Vitalie Mândrescu |
Director | Mihai Țărnă |
Assistant Director | Vitalie Jacotă |
Costume Designer Scenography | Inga Botnariuc Adrian Suruceanu |
Light Designer | Eduard Chiperco |
Sound Designer | Vlad Vascan |
Translation | Tudor Ţărnă |